That's right people. Logan has lost yet another tooth. I was beginning to wonder if he would ever lose any teeth. Maybe it was all that Vitamin D milk he had before we went to 2%. Regardless, when he hadn't lost any teeth by second grade, I was wondering if he even had adult teeth.
I can't say that nature finally took its course about mid-year in the second grade for Logan and the teeth started coming out. Actually, it was gravity that played a big part. Gravity...speed...and the linoleum floor at his school all played a part. If you ask Logan, it was his shoes fault. Brand new shoes that he refused to wear ever again because he was so firm in his belief that the shoes had caused his misfortune.
As I was pulling into the pickup line that day, my cell phone started ringing. I could tell it was the school. About that same time, the assistant principle was flagging me down and told me to park, that Logan had an accident. Now, I will admit that I went into panic mode. I expected to find them either performing CPR on my kid or a bone sticking out somewhere. Instead I find him with an icepack on his mouth. Not so bad, right? Wrong...
Losing teeth is okay...when they're loose. None of his were. The dentist said it could take up to a year for his adult teeth to start coming through. These were major teeth...eating teeth...good picture taking teeth...talking correctly teeth. Not to mention, two other teeth were knocked loose in the process, so we had to keep our eyes open for absess and what-not.
What was Logan's main concern? The teacher was so frantic because of the blood that they rushed him to the nurse. Who knew where the teeth were. Logan knew this posed a problem...what would the tooth fairy think? I tried to assure him that his mouth was proof enough that he had indeed lost teeth. He didn't buy it. Believe it or not, his teacher found two of his teeth in the hallway and in Logan's mind, that was better than nothing.
So here we are, a year later and I've lost track of how many teeth we pulled. Tonight was the best though. He had a loose tooth and the adult was already coming in behind it. As I went to grab the tooth with a tissue Logan jerked back and told me to be careful because this tooth hurt so bad. I said I would try to be careful and opened the tissue to show the tooth that had come out when he jerked. Mission tears shed...thank God he wasn't wearing shoes.
Here's my it bad to borrow a dollar from Logan's piggy bank to trade for his tooth? If only the toothfairy did direct deposit...