Tyler has become addicted to wearing his Crocs. Hey, I'm totally fine with that. Until your toes get super crusty. He had taken a shower the night before, but obviously the dirt-laden toes didn't go through the entire cleaning process. So I made him wear his "fancy" shoes sans socks to church. He complained the entire time. I told him that maybe it would remind him why I like for him to take a bath instead of a shower. It allows time for the dirt to soak off.
It hailed three times in one day. Hopefully you can see the hail on the sidewalk.
This is what a kid looks like when there is no electricity. It actually went out before the storm even started and came back on after the storm was over. Weird. Tyler kept insisting that every light bulb in the house was burned out.
Hey, I never said I was perfect.
I'm not sure why he chooses to sleep in the recliner when there is a sofa and loveseat. Not to mention the bed he has in his room...SUNDAY
We went to a car show in Old Colorado City today. The boys love going to car shows, thank goodness. I love this picture of them. Now I have to figure out how to get my camera off the black and white setting.