Sunday, January 31, 2010

Let's See...

Okay, so somehow my message is all the way at the bottom...but enjoy!

Tyler trying to convince me he can swim.
The big bucket dumping on Logan.
Wait a second, that's not my signature!

Bella and me after our first walk together. I ended up carrying her most of the way.

Family night at Joe's Crab Shack

Logan tearing into his crab legs
Bella and Tyler fighting in our bed

As usual, I didn't update as much as I wanted to this month. What can I say...I'm a busy bee! I am happy to say that I have lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks! Come to think of it, that's where most of my spare time has been going--working out. I try my hardest to work out everyday, but sometimes I leave at 6:30 am and don't get home until 8pm. I spend what little time I can with Ed and the boys, and by time they go to bed, I am wrapped up in preparing things to start the next day. So...I try. Must be doing something good though because I've lost weight! Go me!

Ed has a procedure tomorrow in Denver. We are hoping this will alleviate the pain in his neck and lower spine. I know he is dying to get back to his normal routine because he is definitely not a bed-rest sort of guy. Not to mention...I'm not the best nurse-maid. Regardless, I can still count on my fella to help me out whenever I need him to..from picking up sick kids to bringing me various shapes of pasta to create a visual of simple metamorphosis. Did I also mention the day he drove all the way to my school just to bring me the TV dinner that I had forgotten that morning? What a sweetie!

Here are some pictures of what we've been up to...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it's a whole new year! So much has happened this past year...especially the past two weeks! I posted a few highlights from our trip to Georgia to see Ed's family. Steffani drove down from Indianapolis the day after Christmas, and Ed was so happy to get to spend time with her. The boys also loved seeing their big sister! We had a fantastic Christmas dinner with Ed's mom, Liz, and her husband, Doug. I would definitely have to say that the highlight of our trip was going to the Falcons' game at the Georgia Dome. We had so much fun!

While the trip was fun, we eventually had to head back to Colorado. The night before we left, we decided to take a detour home and go visit my family in Texas. We were only their a day, but the boys had fun with their cousins, and I got to go baby furniture shopping with my mom and sisters.

We made it home in one piece, thank goodness! I get to go back to work tomorrow, but I'm really excited because I graduate in May! I can't believe it...there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel. I really enjoy working with my clinical teacher and the rest of the 5th grade team at my school. Wish me luck...I start my teacher work sample next week!

Happy New Years! (Oh, and don't feel left out if you didn't get a Christmas card. We haven't mailed them yet!)

Steffani enjoying a hot wing (she's going to kill me!)
Tyler at The Varsity in Atlanta

Superfan Logan
I love The Varsity!

Okay, admit know you secretly want a Snuggie, too! We got one for Logan and Tyler for Christmas, and we all liked them so much we went to the mall a couple of days later and bought us all one. This was us making fun of the Snuggie commercial. Great family fun!

Steffani, Liz, Doug at Taco Mac's for Ed's gig

Logan and Tyler at the Georgia Aquarium pretending to be piranhas.

Ed and I at Taco Mac's.

Logan and Tyler showing each other their gifts.

Tha family at the Falcons game. We had a blast!