I think it has almost been a YEAR since the last time I posted--an entire year! So much as happened. I started-and finished-my first year of teaching second grade. I'll try to post some pictures from this school year later. Logan and Tyler had a phenomenal year, as well. I cannot believe Logan is starting middle school next year! I can still see his sweet little 2-year old face smiling at me. And Tyler-what a mess he is! He always has something going on in his head. He actually reminds me so much of Greg. They both earned excellent grades, and Tyler won the Accelerate Reader award for all of second grade 3 out of 4 times this year. We are very proud of both of them. These are their school pictures.
I am so blessed to have such sweet little boys to call my own. And-we are so lucky to have Ed in our lives to fill the void that was left when Greg died. I am so happy to he was willing to take on such an enormous responsibility-one that a lot of men would have turn their back on. We love him so much.
Well, I'm really going to try to catch up on what's been going on around here. I have pictures from Logan's graduation, Tyler's soccer, some trips, and other things that I would love to share!