Sunday, September 9, 2012

Not much going on...

 First of cute are these two? Love them!
Second, seriously...have you ever seen a honeydew that is 19 inches and weighs 4.5lbs? Scary. In my mind, E is going to come out looking like something the Hungry Caterpillar threw up if these fruit and veggie comparisons continue.
Third, we finally bought bedding and furniture for E! Wasn't sure where we were going to put her if she popped out ahead of schedule. Plus, I think it was starting to weird people out that I hadn't bought anything yet. This is a picture of a crib sheet. You can get an idea of the color scheme. Her furniture is an espresso brown color. Very dark.
Not much else has been happening here. Weather is starting to cool off, which is nice. However, it's not nice for a gal whose feet are too swollen to wear real shoes and 2 boys who have outgrown every pair of jeans they have. 

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

August 2012

Just a few pictures from August...

Logan's first day of 7th grade.

Tyler's first day of 4th grade.

George and Ed at training. George is doing great!

Tyler's picture of his family. Dad, Mom, Annoying brother, me. Love it.

Working to pack meals for Feed my Starving Children. It was a great experience for our family.

Logan was in charge of putting proteins into the bags. I think I was holding up production trying to get a picture.

Tyler and I sealed the bags.

My three favorite guys and their hairnets.

After FMSC, we went to see The Odd Life of Timothy Green. I couldn't get these 3 away from the arcade afterwards!

After Saturday night services, we like to go out and eat. Tyler asked for Bahama Brothers Pizza, which must be his own secret code for Borriella Brothers Pizza. 

Baby E's squished little face. Love her! She's already 4 pounds! I don't think she'll be needing those newborn sizes I bought...

What does a family do to spend time together? Why cut out giant popcorn kernels for mom's lesson the next day! Tyler was banned after the first cut (which I doubt he cared much).

Now it's on to September!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Where has summer gone?

I keep asking myself that over and over. Well, Tyler keeps asking me over and over, which leads to me wondering the same thing. We have done so much, so it makes sense that time would fly. This summer we have made stops in Indiana, New York, Michigan, Illinois, and Texas. We have been to Ed's daughter's wedding, Times Square, the Statue of Liberty, Lincoln's Tomb, and that place where they film Hardcore Pawn to name a few. Of course, what summer would be complete without a trip to visit the rest of the family in Texas?

But now, with school starting for the boys in 2 short weeks and myself going back in 3 weeks, I find myself looking back at all the pictures and seeing what a blast this summer has been. It is so crazy to think that there will be another member of the family by next summer to accompany us on our trips. Although, I'm sure Logan and Tyler have yet to realize that the space they use to store video games, candy, and sodas will now be storing their little sister. I'll save that information for a later date.

Here are some pictures from our summer adventures.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Snow Day!

We had quite a wallop of snow last week. I had never seen so much fall at one time since we moved to Colorado. It seems that we were always out of state when the big ones fell. The boys had a blast building forts and playing outside. They are looking forward to the next big one!

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Falcon Middle School Semester Honor Roll

Congratulations to Logan for making the first semester Honor Roll at the middle school. This is no easy feat! We are so proud of you!

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Happy Birthday, Greg!

Every year, we try to mark Greg's birthday in a special way. We typically have the boys make cards and attach them to balloons to send off to Heaven. The weather last year was not good for the balloons, so this was our first go at it again. The boys' cards are always heartfelt and sad. You can tell how much they miss their dad and how much they love him. I'm glad we do this each year, and I'm glad that Ed takes a role in it, as well.

Happy Birthday, Greg. We love you and miss you every day.
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Saturday, January 28, 2012


My friends Laura had been telling me about this place she goes and paints at. You all paint the same picture, with instruction. I always thought her pictures looked great, and she looked like she had so much fun. So, last Thursday (on a school night...can you believe it???) Laura, Shari, and I decided to make it a night out. We had so much fun! While I'm not planning on quitting my day job or opening a gallery anytime soon, I think I did pretty good for my first time. It was so relaxing, and it was fun to do something outside of the school with friends. I can't wait until we do it again!

Laura and Shari

Shari and Lori

Laura preparing her palette

The rest of our "class". One lady was pretty toasted by the end. A little too much wine, I think. See the girl in the middle. I know her from somewhere, I just can't place her. It's actually driving me crazy.

Our instructor fella. He's a middle school teacher...somewhere. I can't remember. He started by telling us the story "The Dot". (There's the mystery girl again...where do I know her from?!?)

Progression of my painting...

Final Product!

Shari and her masterpiece

Laura and her work of art

Me and my is now proudly displayed on my bedroom wall. There was a candle thing on the wall I didn't really like, so the painting took its place. And it conveniently matches the chairs in our bedroom. Ed said he loved it. I offered to hang it in Tyler's room, but he insisted that he was saving that space for a Falcons "thing" he had "somewhere."

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