Sunday, April 21, 2013

Project 365 Week 16

We were under another blizzard warning this week. It was nothing like the week before though. Some schools closed early, but ours pushed on through. Today is was 60 degrees, but they're calling for more snow on Tuesday. I'm so over it!

Here was our week...

Sunday: I went to Sam's. Thrilling, right? Then I decided I needed to reorganize our pantry. I should've taken a before was madness. You could only open the door and reach in. You couldn't physically step into it. All the overflow went into the basement cupboard.

Monday: My school district was closed, so I went into Manitou Springs to do the incline with Shari. This is only the second time I've done it, and the first time to make it to the top! It took over an hour to get to the top, but when I got there, it was such a great feeling.

Some pictures on the way down...

Evidently E had a hard day as well. She conked out in her jumper.

Tuesday: Ed texted me this picture of E while I was at work. she a cutie or what?!?!

Wednesday: Tyler is seriously in love with his baby sister. He sings to her before she goes to bed each night.

Thursday: This was after the blizzard blew through the night before. Not too bad. If you forget that it's the middle of April.

We also had Science Night at my school. This is one of my second grade teammates, Nathan. We were testing whether your sense of smell or taste is stronger. Take a bite of an apple, chew and swallow. Then put a bit of vanilla extract on a cotton ball and smell. Take another bite of the apple, while still smelling the vanilla. See if the apple's taste changes. It's actually pretty cool!

This is Shari and our music teacher, Siobhan, with more testers.

And here are our results!

Friday: We had an assembly for a talent show and Jump Rope for Heart. My student, Antonio, won the award for most money raised in the whole school! This is Antonio with the PE teacher.

Saturday: Finally got the girl a high chair. She looks so big! I think Logan's comment was rather funny. "Oh look," he said. "Something ELSE for Emmalyn to sit in."Well buddy, there's not much else she can do right now.

The school year is winding down. I can't wait for summer! Have a blessed week!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Project 365 Week 15

It was a rather short week this week. We all had a snow day on Tuesday, which is extremely rare. Not the snow day part-the part where the boys and I ALL had one. It's typical for their school district to close in anticipation of a blizzard. We live to the east of Colorado Springs, where the plains reach all the way to Kansas! What this means is that usually Colorado Springs (where my school district is) does not get the thrashing we normally get. Well, the wind was CRAZY. It was blowing steady at 40 mph ALL NIGHT Monday and ALL DAY Tuesday. There were gust up to 70 mph. 

Needless to say, sleep was not had by many in our house that night. Tyler is terrified of the wind and ended up in our room. If the wind wasn't waking us up, Tyler was because he kept getting up and looking out our window every 15 minutes. We don't have regular blinds in our room; we have shades. And boy obviously doesn't know how to work them. 

Well, my alarm went off at 5:15 am, and I saw that literally every other district in our area was closed-except us. This was actually no surprise to me, so I proceeded to get dressed. It was actually kind of funny to see all the reds, and then to see our bright green. We always push through! My teammate-being ever so committed-was already at the school. We had been texting back and forth since I woke up, and she said besides being windy, it was fine. (What? You don't text your co-workers before 6 am?) As I was pulling on my boots, the phone rang. It was her, saying that the custodian's wife had called him and said that we were closed. Long story short...we were! I was just happy they called it before I actually left. That would've been irritating. 

I kind of feel sorry for the people who have to make the call when closing districts. If you stay open and the weather gets bad, you get grief. If you close and it seems fine, you get grief. In this case-it did get bad where I live. Like can't see across the yard because its a crazy blizzard outside. However, most of my co-workers and all of my students enjoyed a lazy fun day in town. Several were posting about their fun outings on Facebook. No snow. Just windy. Poor Colorado meteorologists. 

Anyhow...on to our week!

Sunday: Ed's son, Drew, and his family came over to watch Wrestlemania. It was fun. I took this picture as the Undertaker came out. Dude is still scary.

Shari (crazy committed teacher at school before 6 am) came over to join in the fun!

Monday: I combined these pictures and posted them on Facebook. It was crazy to see that it was 68 degrees outside, and yet we were under a blizzard warning.

 Tuesday: Snow Day! I got to spend time with this sweet girl.

 And this is a snippet of the weather. Check out that wind chill! Brrrrrr!

Wednesday: For some reason, I didn't have a picture from this day. However, whilst checking out my photo stream, I found that Logan did. Of a page in his Algebra book. So I asked the obvious question...why did you take a picture of the page in your Algebra book? Something about a kid lost his, so he was being nice and let him borrow his and he just took a picture of the pages they were supposed to do. Whatever you say, kid.

Thursday: The Virtual Book Club I'm a part of just wrapped up our first book, The Orange Girl. I'm still trying to decide if I liked it. I will say that I enjoyed reading it because its been such a long time since I've sat and read a "leisure" book. Our next book is Gone Girl (my pick!). I was trying to decide on whether to start reading or play with E. You can guess who won. ;) I'm moving between Audible and an e-book in an attempt to get more reading in. Hopefully it won't be too complicated.

Friday: So...evidently the 'ole iPhone reached it storage capacity in terms of me taking pictures. Problematic when you're trying to take a picture a day. However, it did allow me to take a screen shot. Thus is my picture for the day.

Saturday: While changing her diaper (in a public restroom), I realized E had a tooth come through! I was sooooo excited. I wonder what the other people in the restroom thought about me. Ha. This was what happened when I tried to get a picture later. I have a feeling getting a picture of that tooth probably isn't going to be easy.

I'm off tomorrow, so it will be a short week for me. Yay! I'm going with a couple of friends to do the incline tomorrow. The goal is to make it to the top. We'll see!

Have a blessed week!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Project 365 Week 14

What a busy week. I'll let our pictures do the talking. (In all honesty...I'm trying to watch Wrestlemania at the same time.) Here was our week!

Sunday: What a fun Easter! We had Ed's son, Drew, and his family over. Logan and Tyler decided they were TOO OLD to dye eggs. Of course, that quickly changed when they saw how much fun everyone else was having.

Love these cuties!

Little Girl's first Easter.

I just loved this picture of Ed and his baby girl.

Dying eggs with all the kids.

Xander (Ed's grandson) playing with his Auntie E. :)

Monday: I didn't take a picture. How that happened...I have no idea. Fail.

Tuesday: We had a program at our school called Kid Power. It teaches kids how to be more aware of strangers and what to do if they feel threatened. While we were waiting for it to start, Tyler got a hold of my phone. This is the result. I especially love the pizza sauce matted on his face. Love that boy.

Wednesday: Our Walmart got new baskets! They looked so nice that I just had to take a picture.

Thursday: Ed's daughter, Steffani, started a virtual book club. Our first book is The Orange Girl. I had to order it, and it took FOREVER to get here. I finally got it on Thursday.

Friday: Ed is buying some new wheels for his car, and the place he was ordering them from is down the road from my school. He, Tyler, and E joined me for lunch at Popeye's.

My sweet lunch dates!

Sweet baby E!

Saturday: What a busy day! I had a Girl Scout event called Thinking Day that we were hosting at our school. Ed had a demo he was doing for Flames of War at a local gaming store. The boys were going to an event called Good Grief Camp at Fort Carson. It is put on by a group called TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors), and it supports the families of fallen soldiers. We were worried about sending Logan, since dealing with Greg's death-even almost 7 years later-has become a big struggle for him, but he had a blast. Tyler was the one who had a hard day. I didn't realize that a lot of the activities revolved around "remembering" your loved one. Well, Tyler doesn't remember Greg. He only knows the things we've told him, but he doesn't consider those "memories" of his daddy. So, he had a very rough day. And he dropped his entire plate of spaghetti at lunch. And his the stress ball he made was too hard. And the bracelet he made for me broke. Then his balloon with a note to his daddy popped in the tree. was THAT kind of day for him. If I would've known how this day had gone down, I would've come armed with more than a brownie from Starbucks.

Thinking Day! We had girls from 7 schools.

Balloon release holding letters for their loved ones in Heaven.

The boys after the balloon release. Just for the record-Logan and I scoured the roadside for Tyler's popped balloons and his letter, but we never found it. We told him we would do it again at home.

We have another busy week coming up, and from what I hear we're under a blizzard warning on Tuesday with 8 inches of snow expected. Happy Spring!

Have a blessed week!