We took the boys to Limon this past weekend to take part in a Cub Scout Day Camp. Nothing like spending a beautiful Saturday in the great outdoors, right? Well, I think we all have our own ideal outdoor adventures...and unfortunately me for me, Cub Scout Day Camp was it for this day. The boys got to shoot bb guns, go fishing, look for creepy crawling water bugs, and participate in archery.
Now, I'm sure every boy wants to say they shot a gun. I guess it's a man thing. But these bb guns were almost as big as Tyler. He couldn't even pump it by himself. Everytime he went to pump it, it inadvertantly was aimed at his face or at someone near him. Thankfully, Ed intervened and injury to Tyler, Ed, the state troopers, or anyone else was adverted. I never thought it was a good idea to let 4 boys go at it with guns. But that's just me...

Tyler taking aim...

Looking for pond creatures...
Oh, and then there was the pond scum...I mean, search for water dwelling creatures. They used a contraption that looked strikingly similar to a collander on a long stick. No people, it was definitely not a legitimate net. But it worked because Tyler and Logan both managed to come up with tadpoles and other slimy things. Tyler wanted to bring one home as a pet. He started to get upset until I asked him it he wanted to go shoot a bow and arrow. He subsequently forgot about the tadpole.

Logan shooting with the bow...
Logan and Tanner performed excellently in archery. As with the bb guns, the bow was as tall as Tyler and Cayson, so they were not as successful. They both managed to hit the back board, and I definitely gave them credit for trying! I was proud of them all.

Fishing was our most successful event of the day. Tanner and Cayson both caught a fish, and Logan and Tyler each got a few bites, but no fish. Tyler was more impressed with the worms. He wanted to bring one of those home too...but then we fed him to a fish. Traumatizing, I'm sure. But I bet it wasn't as traumatizing as the Boy Scout ripping the live worm in two and handing one half to Tyler and one half to Cayson. Apparently he didn't get the memo that Tyler and Cayson were seriously considering how to smuggle the worms home. Now they had to figure out how to get Cayson's half a new head.

Logan fishing...poor guy couldn't get a catch...

Tyler with his worm...when it was in one piece.
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