Have you ever sent your kids off for a while and they come back a bit different? They were only gone two weeks, but the boys came back as two different little boys. Don't ask me what it is exactly...Logan doesn't want to call Ed "Dad" anymore for some strange reason, and Tyler challenges me on everything. His choice starting phrase is, "Oh yeah? Well..." Irritating. Here is an example of our conversations:
Me: "Tyler, it's time for bed."
Tyler: "Oh yeah? Well, I'm not tired!"
Me: "Tyler, it's time to eat."
Tyler: "Oh yeah? Well, I'm not hungry."
Me: "Tyler, it's time to brush your teeth."
Tyler: "Oh yeah? Well, Logan hasn't brushed his teeth yet."
And here's my favorite:
Me: "Tyler, you could've gotten hit by a car!"
Tyler: "Oh yeah? Well, no one was there to walk me across the street!"
Ugh. Irritating. He has these big bags under his eyes. He always looks tired. I thought maybe it was allergies or something. Maybe he just needs to get back on a regular sleeping schedule. Hopefully I'll figure it out soon. I miss my sweet baby boy.
Now, on to Logan. He decided he didn't want to call Ed "Dad" anymore. Let me stress that we never told him to call Ed that. Logan made the decision on his own when he was making a Valentine's card for Ed. Tyler, of course, does whatever his brother does. I liked it. Ed was definitely pleased. Imagine his disappointment when the boys called on Father's Day and yelled into the phone, "HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, ED!" Ed was crushed.
When Logan got home, he said he didn't feel like Ed was completely his dad because we weren't married. What the heck? Where did he get that from? We once again told him that it was his decision on what he wanted to call Ed, but I explained to him that there are tons of kids who have more than one dad. Calling Ed "dad" doesn't make his real daddy any less his daddy. He is so lucky to have someone like Ed in his life because I think it would be very lonely for a little boy to not have an adult male figure in his life. I know it doesn't seem like it, but he should consider himself lucky that he still has someone in his life to call dad.
Logan has transitioned back into Colorado life pretty well. He calls Ed "dad" now. We never addressed it again after that first night, so I'm really not sure what conclusion he came to. Actually, he has started affectionately calling Ed "Optimus Dad" and Tyler calls him "Autodad". Gotta love their Transformer enthusiam.
Tyler, on the other hand...well, we'll just see what happens with that little booger.
well at mimi's house we watch tv,have cookies & milk for breakfast,& drink dr pepper.at lunch we go to bush's for chicken & wash it down with dr pepper.then we have fruit snacks(does that count as a fruit)and was them down with dr pepper.supper is what ever we want & dr pepper.when we go to bed we watch more tv and sip on a glass of dr pepper...repeat tomorrow!!!