Friday, May 22, 2009

Is there something wrong with your brain, or are you just crazy?

This was the questioned posed by my kindergartener to one of his teachers this week. Apparently she had marked a few math questions wrong on his worksheet that were right, and he was none too happy about it. First he asked her if something was wrong with her brain. When he told me about it, he said he thought she was just crazy.

This is not the first time Tyler has vented his frustration about his teachers. Let me stress that I love all of his teachers. They are all fantastic. However, Tyler does not really like to be corrected. (I have NO IDEA where he gets that from!) He got in trouble one day by his reading teacher because he was jumping on a couch. She sent him back to his homeroom to take a cube (their discipline system), and he lost it. He told his homeroom teacher, "MRS. POGUE DRIVES ME CRAZY!" He then told his teacher that Mrs. Pogue ALWAYS gets him in trouble and causes him to lose cubes. For the record, I don't think he gets in trouble much (that I'm aware of at least), but when he out!
I think he gets more upset because he knows I look at his hands in the afternoon and if there are not two stamps...I know he lost cubes. Is it okay that he fears the wrath of his mother for only coming home with one smily face stamp? Ehhh...whatever works, I guess!

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