Saturday, February 2, 2013

Project 365 Week 5

It's been a long week. I'm really hoping that this week is a lot better!

Here it is in pictures...

Sunday: Here is my little running buddy. Isn't she a cutie?

Monday: I was totally surprised that the boys' school district did not have a snow day. I think the storm blew in too late for a delay. It was worse in my school district, which almost never happens. The drive was a nightmare. 

Tuesday: This is our German Shepard, George. He had a pretty gross infection on his neck that we didn't even know about. Thank goodness we had taken him to the groomer and they caught it. The fur around his neck is so thick, so I doubt we would've ever noticed it before it was too late. He's feeling a lot better now after strong antibiotics and pain medication.

Wednesday: Ed and I tried out the new Mexican food restaurant in town. It was pretty good.

And how cute are these two?

Thursday: This is how I found Tyler when I got home. I love when he falls asleep with a book instead of his hands on a video game controller.

This one falls asleep in pretty strange positions, too.

Friday: It was a busy day. This is the football board for the Super Bowl. Ed and I won two quarters last year! 

This is what my coat rack looks like in my classroom. This was after I gave out refills. I have to go tomorrow and pick up four cases of each cookie tomorrow so we can restock!

E got a new toy on Friday. When she kicks her feet and hits the bottom, it sets the lights and music off. I think she loves it!

And once again...Tyler asleep with a book.

Saturday: We went to Tuscano's Brazilian Steakhouse tonight. I love any restaurant that has servers walking around with skewers of meat for you. The boys loved it, too. Especially the cake...

I am really praying for a better week than last week. In the meantime, I will continue to be thankful for these sweet boys, their baby sister, and my amazing husband.

Have a blessed week!


  1. I agree that it's so fun to see them fall asleep with a book in their hands :)
    Looks like E was playing peek-a-boo when she fell asleep! haha
    Don't miss all that nasty winter weather one little bit. Sorry you had to be out in it!
    Have a great week!

  2. I have a book worm, the girlchild loves to read!

    Beautiful little girl, love watching a sleeping baby.


  3. Colby and Molly both love to read, and I thank the Lord daily that they prefer that over anything else. It's good to have a bookworm!

  4. I'm glad George is better and the kids are great. The running buddy picture is my favorite this week!

  5. What a blessing to have a reader in the family!
    That baby girl is going to be spoiled!
