Sunday, July 14, 2013

Project 365 Week 28

Another week has blown by this summer. I can't believe it! We start birthday-palooza this week in our family. Ed and his mom's birthdays are on the 17th, my birthday is on the 25th, and Logan and Drew's (Ed's son) birthdays are on the 29th. We're also counting down to our trip to Glenwood Springs. The boys have no idea that we're going. I'm can't wait to surprise them!

But-alas-we have to make it through this week first!

Here was the past week in pictures.

Sunday: This was my view during church this week. E lasted 38 minutes in the nursery. At least they have a screen in the lobby.

I took the boys to Jump Street, an indoor trampoline park for kids. Tyler was so excited when he did a flip!

Monday: The girl is getting so good at feeding herself!

Tuesday: Ed grilled these delicious steaks! They were so yummy!

Wednesday: This little girl was definitely showing signs of unhappiness Tuesday night, so we headed to the doctor Wednesday. Sure enough, she had another ear infection. How sad does she look?

Seriously??? This picture was the sweetest, yet saddest thing ever!

Thursday: This was how most of the day was spent.

During a brief lull in her sadness, E and Tyler had quite the "conversation."

Friday: After being on sick duty, I was itching to get out of the house. Kohl's was having a sale, so I took the boys school clothes shopping. Then we ate at Burger King. No-we did not have 90 chicken nuggets. But the boys thought they had hit the jackpot when they got to the table. But-yes-we did have 50 chicken nuggets. They boys devoured 20 each (of course, it took Tyler a span of 2 days).

Aren't they sweet?

Saturday: E was feeling much better, so Ed and I went out to eat. We were cracking up at her because she kept trying to look at the table behind her.

Hope you all have a blessed week!


  1. Back to school shopping so soon? :( When do your boys start school?

    Your baby girl is so cute with her sad face and bow in her hair!

  2. gah, i cant get over how big the boys are!! probably because they eat so much!! :-)
    hope E is feeling better!
