Sunday, May 5, 2013

Project 365 Week 18

Another busy week! I am counting down the days until school is out for the year (14 days). I think being gone those 3 months really affected my relationship with the kids, and forced me to change the way I teach specific concepts. I think that's the main reason I'm ready for the year to be over. I just want a clean slate. Plus I am really looking forward to spending more time with Ed and the kids.

On to our week...

Sunday: Apparently the only picture I took was a screenshot of the weather. I was focusing on Wednesday because we had an outdoor field trip scheduled for Wednesday. The weather was not looking good.

Monday: Not very exciting, but I took this picture of a kid's planner at a school we went to visit.

Tuesday: Once again, tracking the weather for Wednesday. We were kind of stuck because the place we were going did not give refunds and there were no more days available to reserve a bus. We sent a note home and stuck stickers on the kids that reminded them to bring a coat, winter hats, and gloves.

Wednesday: We pushed through! It snowed the entire time we were there,  and the temperature was in the 20s, but it was still fun.

I love this picture of my class trying to get up the hill.

Thursday: This is what it looked like when I left at 6am. Believe it or not, when I got home it was ALL GONE.

Also, it's crunch time for Box Tops. I cut them off of everything in my cupboard.

Friday: I cannot believe this girl is sitting in a high chair. Sigh.

Saturday: Girl got some sweet sandals. So cute!

Here's to a quick week! I'm ready for summer!


  1. Love E's leopard pants - ha! I can't believe you guys are getting so much snow. Ugh!

  2. Snow in May, crazy, that happened here in Missouri. Hope your last days of school go fast.
