Sunday, March 17, 2013

Project 365 Week 11

What a week. All I can say is that I am so ready for Spring Break...emphasis on the break part. With everyone being sick, the past 2 weeks have been torturous! Then, this past Wednesday, I was hit with the bug. I am still under the weather, but I am pushing through. That's what moms do, right? was our week!

Sunday: The boys and I were driving home and what did we see?!?!?! A new Dollar Tree going up in our little suburb! I get so much stuff there for my classroom. I can't wait for it to open!

Okay, so I know I often post more than one picture a day. But seriously, look at these two cuties. The boys know how to make her laugh!

Monday: Since Ed was still sick, I brought Emmalyn into the kitchen while I was cooking dinner. She discovered one of the toys on her jumperoo. She kept spinning it. Over and over. And it was LOUD. Thank goodness her attention span is short. It only lasted a couple of minutes.

Tuesday: Even though she's almost 6 months old, E just had her 4 month checkup. They base her visits and shots on when she should've been born. As you probably know, early visits = shots. This was her extremely unhappy-with-daddy-for-letting-those-nurses-shoot-me-in-the-legs look. Glad I missed the tears!

Wednesday: This is how I make lists in my class. I typically write them on the board. Then I inevitably need to use the board again and don't have time to write the list down. So-picture on the phone it is. And-lucky for me-it was the only picture I took that day. I went home after school that day and went straight to bed. I was definitely getting sick! Oh...and this was a buddy list for research. PB was for polar bears and Pen was for penguins.

Thursday: Remember that math you learned in school that you swore you would never use or need later in life? Well, wait until your kid is in Algebra and asks for help with homework. Comes in pretty handy! Logan and I bonded while factoring quadratic expressions. Fun times!

Friday: I ordered E an Easter basket from Pottery Barn. I wanted something cute for her that we could use every year. I offered to buy one for the boys too, but they opted for Angry Birds (Tyler) and Yoda (Logan).

Saturday: We took Tyler and his best buddy to see Oz. It was our first try at a movie with E since the great Lincoln debacle. For those of you that don't remember, about 20 minutes in to Lincoln, Emmalyn began hysterically crying. Nothing would work...except for the lights outside the theatre. She was fascinated by them. Anytime we would go back in the dark, she would start to cry. So, she and I hung out in the JC Penney for the next 2 hours. But...she did great! She watched the screen for about the first hour before she started to squirm in her seat. I held her until I could tell she was about to go to sleep, and then she went back in her seat. With about 30 minutes left, she woke up and happily drank her bottle. Phew!

This is Tyler and his Buddy. They also played at Glow Golf and did Laser Tag.

Oh-and E evidently rolled over tonight. I was downstairs in the laundry room and thought she was crying because she was hungry. Ed came out and asked if I had put her on her stomach (which she hates). So, we deduced that she rolled over and then was mad because she was stuck on her belly. Of course, she never did it again. Figures.

I am counting down the days until school is out on Friday! I cannot wait for a week to focus on my family and me!

Have a blessed week!


  1. Hope you're all healthy enough to enjoy your spring break!! Ours was last week.
    I'm hopefully going to see oz tomorrow night!!

  2. Yes, cell phone quick pics are soooo very handy for quick info recording.
    So Oz is worth it?

  3. E is so cute! Hope you guys stay healthy for your break.
