Saturday, March 23, 2013

Project 365 Week 12

As I write this, the wind is howling, the snow is falling (horizontally), and with the wind chill it currently feels like -4 degrees outside. Oh-and it's Spring Break. As you can imagine, we did not venture out today. Instead, we stayed inside and watched a couple of movies. Now...I typically can't even convince myself to watch ONE movie all the way through because I find myself thinking that I'm somehow wasting time just sitting there. Not today though. We watched The Hobbit and Bully. Both were really good, although Bully really tugged at my heartstrings. Logan has struggled with bullying all year, and it was just heartbreaking to actually see what these kids go through. We know what he tells us, but you never can really envision it. This documentary really showed the truth behind it and what a hard battle parents have to fight when they're trying to advocate for their child. If you haven't seen it, you should definitely rent it.

But on to happier things! I found out I will be teaching second grade for another year, which is a huge relief. Having to figure out how and what to teach in another grade is not something I'm really all that interested in tackling right now. I have devoted HOURS AND HOURS (and not to mention HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of dollars) to teaching second grade and becoming the best I can be at it. However, having a preemie has forced me to reevaluate priorities. I can't help but think that my overcommitment to work had a small part to play in E's dramatic arrival. So-I'm really working to spend more time with my family. I'm very work-oriented and success driven, so this is a hard transition for me, but my kids and Ed are more important.

And-that little preemie turned 6 months old today!!! Where does the time go???

Sunday: Logan's Trek group at Awanas was having a spaghetti dinner to raise money for their adopted club in Africa. We volunteered to make a nut free dessert. This was the first recipe that came up in our Google search-Red Velvet Cupcakes. They were really good. And red. I think I've figured out that they get it sooooo red by using vinegar with the coloring.

And cute is this kid?

I was trying to entertain her while I was working. I guess she got bored with me and found something to entertain herself with.

Monday: This girl is growing up way too fast. She had rolled over a couple of times, but she kept doing it while we were out of the room. I got home late on Monday, but she happened to still be awake. So, we put her on the floor and had the camera rolling. Let's see if it plays...

Tuesday: Tyler's favorite person in the world as of late has been Ed. He conveniently loves him a lot at bedtime and somehow manages to finagle his way into my bed for an extra half hour every night! Ed is such a sucker.

Wednesday: Ed and I have been married 2 years today! He sent me these sweet flowers to work and gave me this beautiful necklace. He's a keeper.

Thursday: This is my friend and fellow second grade teacher, Shari. She was having some quality time with her FAVORITE baby.

Friday: If you remember from an earlier post, I typically use my camera on my iPhone to take pictures of things I write on the board in my classroom. Well, I also use it to take pictures of my students with books they borrow from me. It's much more efficient than writing it all down. Plus-let's be real-I don't have the time to write them all down, nor do I have the patience to wait for them to write it down. And-I think a picture of their child actually holding the books might stand up better in a court of law, the court of Mrs. McCoy when they inevitable argue that they "NEVER EVEN HAD THAT BOOK" and I'm forced to present the evidence to parents. This is a picture of Antonio holding his books (worry not, his mom is my friend). He is currently in first place in the Accelerated Reader contest in our room. He had a bit of a panic attack when he thought his lead was threatened, so I'd be willing to bet he will be reading a lot over Spring Break so he can pad his lead.

Saturday: This kid falls asleep in his glasses every night. It looks so uncomfortable. We were watching The Hobbit, and within the first hour, he was out.

And-of course-this little sweetie turned 6 months old today! I can hardly believe she is half a year old! (Just for the record, Tyler informed me that he is also 6 months older today.)

Have a blessed (and warm) week!


  1. That E is just precious! And Tyler is hilarious - I guess he IS six months older today. And so am I!

    That's such a great idea - taking pictures of the kids with books. I'm really starting to wish I had a smart phone of some kind :)

  2. 2 boys
    2 years of marriage
    1/2 year-old healthy preemie
    A lot to celebrate!
    Strength to you, dedicated wife/mom/teacher!

  3. The Saint Paddy's day baby is absolutely adorable. You have had an amazing two years.
